Ghana’s Rent Control Department launches a new digital platform, enabling landlords and tenants to access rental services remotely and more efficiently.
In a thrilling turn of events, Coach Abubakar Ouatara unearthed two hidden gems at the Kpobiman complex just two months ago. Meet David and Theophilius Quashie, the brothers taking the
The Chief Executive Officer for Blaze Investments (Sports Infrastructure Experts), Alhaji Salifu Sinkare has advised the sports ministry on the installation of Hybrid Pitches at the Accra and Baba Yara
Severe flooding in Borno, Nigeria kills 30 and displaces over a million. Residents struggle with rising water levels and food shortages.
A U.N. report reveals 260 women were sexually assaulted during a failed prison break at DRC’s Makala Central Prison, where over 129 people were killed.
The U.S. supports two permanent African seats on the U.N. Security Council and one rotating seat for small island nations, amid efforts to reform the council.
Hijacking syndicates in South Africa target e-commerce delivery trucks, driving up security costs for companies like Amazon and Shein.
Tyla celebrates winning Best Afrobeats at the MTV VMAs, marking a milestone moment for the genre alongside performances from Megan Thee Stallion and Taylor Swift.
President Faye addresses the tragic Mbour shipwreck that claimed over 125 lives, vowing to combat human trafficking and support grieving families.
Ghanaian US-based Tennis player Herman Abban and his Herman Abban Foundation have donated some items to 300 pupils in one of the community's primary schools in Cape Coast. The event