Pursuant to Article 33 of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) Statutes 2019, the Executive Council of the Association has decided that the Extraordinary Session of Congress (Elective Congress) shall be rescheduled to Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 9:00 o’clock in the forenoon at the Global Dream Hotel, Tamale.

The Elections Committee has announced the Official List of Candidates for the GFA Elections 2023.

In accordance with Article 33 of the GFA Statutes, the Agenda of the Congress is as follows:


9:00 am. – Opening Prayer

– Roll Call

– A declaration that Congress has been convened in compliance with the Statutes.

– Approval of the Agenda.

– Handing over of Congress to GFA Elections Committee

– Announcement of Election Procedure by GFA Elections Committee

– Election of GFA President

– Election of Executive Council Member (1 Women’s Premier League Representative)

– Election of Executive Council Members (3 Division One League Representations)

– Election of Executive Council Members (5 Premier League Representatives)

– Swearing in of President and the Executive Council Members

– Brief speech by elected President

– Closing Prayer
