Lawsuit targets alleged defamation on dating advice facebook group.

Nikko D’Ambrosio, a 32-year-old Chicago man, has filed a federal lawsuit against over two dozen women, Facebook’s parent company, and others, seeking at least $75,000 in damages. The lawsuit alleges that the women, who are members of a private Facebook group called “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” in Chicago, posted, spread, or moderated negative and defamatory reviews about D’Ambrosio’s dating experiences.

The suit claims that the women shared “provably false and defamatory” statements about D’Ambrosio’s dating encounters in the Chicago group, which has over 80,000 members. According to D’Ambrosio, he had consensual encounters with one woman he met at a cultural event, and following a few unremarkable dates, she allegedly doxxed him in the group. The woman reportedly posted false statements along with his name and photo, leading to additional defamatory comments by other group members.

D’Ambrosio asserts that the posts caused him significant emotional distress, stress, disruption to his life, and fear of bodily harm from unidentified members of the group. Despite reaching out to Facebook to remove the posts, he claims his requests were ignored. The lawsuit seeks damages for the alleged defamation and emotional distress.

Represented by the Trent Law Firm, D’Ambrosio is using the Illinois Civil Liability for Doxxing Act, which came into effect on January 1, to sue the women. The law firm aims to turn the case into a class-action suit, seeking other potential victims who may have experienced similar defamation on social media platforms.
