Cause of Inferno Unknown, Investigations Underway.

A fire has gutted the staff common room of the Adenta Community Basic School in the Adentan Municipality in Accra. The inferno started in the late hours of Wednesday, March 20, 2024.

Even though the cause of the fire is not yet known, fire officers reveal the damage to furniture, books, and school records.

MCE for Adenta, Ebenezer Doku, told Citi News that the cause of the fire is not yet known and that investigations are underway to ascertain what might have triggered it.

“Somewhere around 7:50 pm, I was still in the office when I had a call that the Adenta Community Basic School was on fire, so I rushed there and when I got there, the Fire Service had already quenched the fire and when I got close, I realised the headteacher’s office was broken into and the fridge moved and there was smoke but when I asked the security man, he said he also came for night duties and saw the fridge downstairs and so as of now, we don’t know whether it was the same person who moved the fridge that set the place ablaze.”

Meanwhile, school authorities who spoke off the record say the incident will not affect academic activities.
