Police arrest Japan taxi driver after running over pigeon, “Roads belong to humans, so pigeons should have dodged out of the way.”

A Tokyo taxi driver turns the streets into a pigeon peril zone! Atsushi Ozawa, apparently feeling the need to enforce his version of traffic rules, accelerated his taxi into a flock of unsuspecting pigeons, leaving feathers flying and one unlucky bird meeting its feathery demise.

Is this the latest rage in commuter catharsis, or did Ozawa misinterpret the GPS directions and think he was in a bird-themed video game? When questioned about his feathered fiasco, Ozawa boldly declared, “Roads belong to humans, so pigeons should have dodged out of the way.” Talk about a bird-brained rationale!

As the shocked public questions the taxi driver’s sanity, one thing is for certain: the pigeons of Tokyo might want to consider traffic school. Stay tuned for the next episode of “Taxi Turmoil: Feathers Fly in the Concrete Jungle
