Abdul Majeed Faces Charges of Impersonation and Fraud After Deceiving Public.

In recent news from Nkwanta South Municipal, an individual named Abdul Majeed, aged 27, has been apprehended by local law enforcement for impersonating a military officer within the community.

According to reports, Majeed assumed the false identity of a soldier and utilized it to patronize a nearby chop bar, where he availed himself of services provided by a commercial motorbike rider (okada). However, upon completion of the ride, he refused to compensate the rider for his services.

In an attempt to evade payment, Majeed instructed the rider to transport him back to his purported residence under the pretense of retrieving money for the fare. Despite the rider’s compliance, Majeed reneged on his promise to settle the dues, leveraging his fake military persona to intimidate and provoke a physical altercation.

Upon investigation by military personnel in the vicinity, it was ascertained that Majeed had no genuine affiliation with the Ghana Armed Forces. Instead, he had been leveraging this fabricated identity to garner undue respect and authority within the community.

As a consequence of his actions, Majeed was subjected to disciplinary drills by military personnel for deceiving the public. Subsequently, he was handed over to local law enforcement for further investigation and prosecution. Majeed currently faces charges related to impersonation and fraud, reflecting the severity of his deceitful conduct.
