Unwanted Pizzas Keep Arriving, Despite Efforts to Stop Them.

Justin Rybicki’s life took an unexpected turn when he found himself at the receiving end of numerous pizza deliveries that he never ordered. The strange saga began with Pizza 73 deliveries showing up at his home and workplace, leading to confusion and frustration.

Rybicki recounted the bizarre occurrences, stating that despite not being a frequent pizza consumer, he found himself dealing with deliveries worth hundreds of dollars in his name. “Every time I see Pizza 73 commercials it gives me nightmares,” Rybicki said, highlighting the peculiar nature of the situation.

The ordeal commenced last November during a family dinner when a Pizza 73 delivery arrived at Rybicki’s home without any prior order. Subsequent investigation revealed a confirmation order in his email, prompting him to consider reporting the identity theft to the police. However, before he could take action, another pre-ordered delivery from Pizza 73 arrived at his workplace, adding to the confusion and frustration.

Despite Rybicki’s efforts to rectify the situation, including changing his phone number as advised by the authorities, the unwanted pizza deliveries persisted. “Then they stopped and went to Domino’s,” Rybicki said, indicating the adaptability of the mysterious perpetrators.

The case has drawn attention from law enforcement, with Cpl. Troy Savinkoff, an RCMP officer, expressing concern over the escalating nature of the incidents. “We’re into more of a mischief, fraud, and now harassment,” Savinkoff stated, highlighting the seriousness of the situation.

Rybicki remains puzzled about the motives behind these relentless pizza orders, speculating that it could be linked to a disgruntled former colleague or an act of revenge. However, the exact identity of the perpetrators remains elusive, adding to the mystery surrounding the case.

As the investigation continues, Rybicki is taking steps to safeguard himself by enhancing his personal security measures. Despite the strange and frustrating ordeal, he remains hopeful for a resolution to the pizza mystery that has disrupted his life.
