A tragic plane crash at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, has resulted in the deaths of 18 people, leaving only the pilot alive. The accident occurred as the Saurya Airlines plane attempted to take off for Pokhara. The passengers included 18 Nepalis and one Yemeni citizen, comprising two crew members and 17 technicians from Saurya Airlines.

Nepal Plane Crash

Footage of the crash shows the plane nose-diving shortly after takeoff, leading to an explosion and a cloud of black smoke. Airport chief Jagannath Niraula stated that the plane veered in the wrong direction immediately after leaving the ground. Rescue efforts began promptly, with fire engines and ambulances rushing to the scene.

Authorities have recovered the bodies of all deceased passengers, and the pilot, who sustained non-life-threatening injuries, is receiving treatment at Kathmandu Medical College Hospital. The cause of the crash is under investigation, with initial reports indicating the plane was en route for technical maintenance when the accident occurred.
