Osu Noryaa Mantse, Nii Armah Gbejelor I, has expressed his desire to meet with former U.S. President Donald Trump to discuss education and community development initiatives.

As a leader dedicated to transforming Osu, Nii Armah Gbejelor believes that collaboration with Trump could expand his successful frameworks across Ghana and benefit the Osu diaspora.

Nii Armah Gbejelor’s work in Osu, particularly in education, has set a benchmark for community development. His initiatives, including scholarships and skills training programs, aim to break the cycle of poverty and empower the youth. By engaging with global leaders like Trump, he hopes to replicate these models in other communities, fostering widespread economic and educational growth.

A royal descendant of Osu slaves who settled in Virginia, USA, Nii Armah Gbejelor’s vision extends beyond Ghana’s borders, seeking to create opportunities that bridge the gap between the Osu community and its diaspora. His efforts highlight the potential for international collaboration in addressing local challenges and driving sustainable development.
