Pastor Responds to Claims Regarding Late Dr. John Kumah’s Health.

Prophet Nigel Gaisie of Prophetic Hill Chapel has expressed his willingness to visit Mövenpick Ambassador Hotel to verify his attempt to reach the late Dr. John Kumah. Responding to doubts raised about his efforts to warn Dr. Kumah about alleged threats against him, Prophet Nigel Gaisie recounted an encounter with Dr. Kumah’s wife at the hotel.

According to Prophet Nigel Gaisie, he encountered Mrs. Kumah at Mövenpick Ambassador Hotel while on his way to renew his UK visa in September last year. He recognized her and approached her, expressing concern about Dr. Kumah’s well-being. Despite Mrs. Kumah’s apparent disinterest, Prophet Nigel Gaisie reiterated his desire to speak with Dr. Kumah about perceived threats to his life.

“September last year, I was on my way to renew my UK Visa. As soon as I parked my car, I looked around towards Movenpick Hotel and spotted a fair lady. She looked familiar. I asked myself, is that not Lilian? So I walked to her, as I moved towards her, I noticed it was Lilian,” Prophet Nigel Gaisie explained during an interview with Nana Yaa Brefo and Isaac Ekow JB on March 12.

“So, I walked to her and asked her how she was fairing. As soon as she saw me, she said man of God and I was taken aback a bit. She used to call me Papa, but as soon as she experienced and tasted money and power she calls me man of God.”

Prophet Nigel Gaisie’s remarks come in response to recent statements made by Apostle Lilian Kumah, the widow of Dr. John Kumah. Lilian Kumah revealed that Prophet Nigel Gaisie was aware of her husband’s illness before prophesying about a deputy minister’s death in 2024. She also disclosed that Prophet Nigel Gaisie had detailed information about Dr. Kumah’s health and was close to their family.

In light of these revelations, Prophet Nigel Gaisie cautioned Lilian Kumah against being manipulated for political purposes. He urged her to refrain from making immature and unwise public remarks influenced by politicians. While expressing forgiveness, Prophet Nigel Gaisie warned that he would respond firmly if further provoked, prioritizing the protection of his church, legacy, and family.

Prophet Nigel Gaisie’s offer to verify his encounter at Mövenpick Ambassador Hotel underscores his commitment to transparency and integrity in addressing the allegations surrounding Dr. John Kumah’s health and the prophetic messages attributed to him.

