The Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Freda Prempeh, has placed blame on the victims of floods caused by the Akosombo Dam spillage, asserting that they did not heed early warnings from the Volta River Authority and other state agencies to evacuate. According to the Minister, the victims refused to relocate until the unfortunate incident occurred, making them a burden on the government.

She emphasized the importance of taking early warnings seriously, citing the need to avoid a similar situation in Accra. Despite efforts by the VRA, NADMO, and the Water Resource Commission to educate the affected community and conduct a simulation exercise in Mepe, the residents chose not to leave. This resulted in the government having to allocate substantial resources for relief items, water treatment, and cleaning up the contaminated areas.

The Minister stressed the necessity of proactive measures and cooperation to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

Source: MyJoyOnline
