July 17, 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of Eric Garner’s death, his mother, Gwen Carr, led a march in Staten Island to honor his memory and advocate for justice. Garner died on July 17, 2014, after being restrained by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo, sparking nationwide protests against police brutality.

Garner’s death became a rallying cry with his final words, “I can’t breathe,” resonating in protests across the USA. Despite the NYPD’s ban on chokeholds and the medical examiner ruling Garner’s death a homicide, no criminal charges were filed against Pantaleo or other officers involved.

Pantaleo was fired in 2019 after a police disciplinary hearing. Garner’s family settled a lawsuit against New York City for $5.9 million but continued to seek justice through a judicial inquiry in 2021. The inquiry aimed to establish a public record of the case rather than determining guilt.

Gwen Carr’s persistent advocacy continues to inspire efforts toward a more equitable New York City, highlighting the ongoing fight for justice and police reform.
