A devastating fire has claimed the lives of three children and left three others, including their parents, injured after it engulfed their apartment in Axim, Nzema East Municipality, Western Region. The incident occurred late at night, destroying properties worth thousands of Ghana cedis.
The children, aged between five and ten, were burnt beyond recognition, while their parents and youngest sibling managed to escape. The survivors are currently receiving treatment at the Axim Government Hospital, but their condition is described as critical.
The father, Kwame Asare, recounted the horrifying incident. “We all went to bed around 9 pm. At midnight, I heard what sounded like thunder, and suddenly the apartment was filled with smoke and darkness. I managed to save my wife and one child, but I couldn’t rescue the others,” he said.
Efforts by neighbors to extinguish the fire and save the children proved futile as the flames spread rapidly. The remains of the deceased have been deposited at the Axim Government Hospital for further investigations.
This heartbreaking incident serves as a reminder of the need for enhanced fire safety measures in residential areas to prevent similar tragedies.