Tricycles, a vital means of transportation in Ghana, provide affordable and convenient transportation to millions of people, especially in rural areas where access to public transportation is limited. They also provide employment opportunities for thousands of people, contributing to the country’s economic growth.

According to the National Union of Tricycle Operators of Ghana (NUTOG), the high cost of licensing tricycles, is crippling their businesses and deterring investors.

“The high cost of licensing is collapsing our businesses. We are struggling to make ends meet, and the high fees are making it difficult for us to operate. We are calling on the government to regulate our operations and reduce the licensing fees to make it more affordable for us,” said Simon Nyomeshie, Central Regional Secretary of NUTOG.

As a crucial part of Ghana’s transportation system, tricycles play a significant role in the country’s development. However, the high cost of licensing is threatening the livelihoods of tricycle operators and the millions of people who rely on them for transportation.

“We want to operate legally, but the cost of licensing is a major obstacle. We are appealing to the government to consider our plight and reduce the fees. We are also calling for regularization of our operation to ensure safe riding and safety of all. We want to contribute to the development of the country, but we need support from the government,” Nyomeshie added.

Speaking to TV XYZ News, Hamza Hafiz, National Secretary of NUTOG, emphasized the need for a more inclusive approach to ensuring cleanliness in the country. “Cleanliness is a collective responsibility, and we must all come together to achieve it. We must do away with politics and come together to help make the country clean. We are calling on all Ghanaians to join us in this fight against filth. Let’s work together to keep our country clean,” Hafiz said.

“Littering is a major problem in our country, and we must all take responsibility for our actions. We must desist from littering, especially when in vehicles. Let’s keep our country clean, and let’s work together to achieve this goal,” Hafiz added.

The calls come ahead of the association’s Central Regional Chapter inauguration in Kasoa on Thursday, July 25, 2024, which was preceded by a clean-up exercise in the area on Monday, 22nd July, 2024.
