Abigail Mensah of River Park Accra is a beneficiary of a brand new racing bicycle courtesy Village Bicycle Project, a Non-Governmental organization based in the United States and Britain.

The presentation ceremony was held at the inner corridors of the Ghana Olympic committee with Secretary General Shaaban Mohammed, Communications Director Dennis Moore and Technical Director Daniel Amoo in attendance.

The mini presentation ceremony was very lively and demonstrated a great source of hope for Abigail who smiled throughout the presentation.

Country Director for village Bicycle Project Mr. Ebenezer Sowah thanked the Ghana Cycling Federation for the opportunity given to officially donate this bicycle to Abigail Mensah.

Mr. Sowah hinged on the organization’s commitment in supporting the cause of female cycling and that this was just the beginning.

Secretary General of the Ghana Cycling Federation Shaaban Mohammed expressed his elation at this gesture and reciprocated by thanking village Bicycle Project for officially respecting the office of the Federation by this official presentation.

” we do have a school in the North,Bolgatanga to be precise and they have committed to us 18 female cyclists who need similar assistance especially as we are preparing for the African Games next year “- Shaaban stated.

The Secretary General also mentioned that the Federation has set up a Team at the Military and Police camps and would also be happy to receive donations of this kind.

” This might even secure our riders a job at these security services”- Shaaban said. On this, he implored on the local representatives to communicate to their partners abroad on the need to assist with more bicycles.

Mr. Somuah reiterated the commitment of village Bicycle Project to support future activities by the Federation.

Representatives from village Bicycle Project in Ghana included Mr. Rabiu Haruna, Marketing Manager, Mr. Abdel Fatau, Project Coordinator and of course the Country Director Mr. Ebenezer Somuah.

The village Bicycle Project is an initiative to support primarily female and Youth development in cycling.

The Federation therefore went into an agreement with the entity and the fruits of that collaboration has come to a realization.

From Dennis Kweku Moore
