The Volta River Authority (VRA) has projected that the water inflow into the Akosombo Dam is likely to reduce by the end of October 2023.

The VRA commenced the controlled water spillage from the Akosombo and Kpong Dams on September 15, 2023, due to a consistent rise in the inflow pattern and water level of the Akosombo reservoir.

Thousands of residents in South Tongu, North Tongu, Central Tongu, Asuogyaman, and several other residents have had their homes submerged due to the spillage.

The Deputy Chief Executive of the VRA, Edward Obeng Kenzo told Bernard Avle in an interview on the Citi Breakfast Show on Monday that per the Authority’s projections, the water inflow into the dam was likely to reduce as the level of the Volta Lake was gradually receding.

“Today’s rise of the lake is about 0.05 feet. As of yesterday, it was 0.1 feet. The day before, it was 0.12 feet. So per our projections that we’ve had over some time indicate that this time of the month going into the end of October the water inflow into Akosombo should start receding and from there we will start monitoring and adjust the data accordingly,” he stated.

Meanwhile, the VRA has assured residents and communities affected by the latest spillage that no one will be left behind as the authority intensifies the distribution of relief items.

According to the Chief Executive Officer of the VRA, Emmanuel Antwi-Darkwa, the affected communities are direct neighbours of the authority and will do everything possible to get them back to comfort.

“VRA vows to stand with these communities until the spilling ends. We are committed to intensifying the relief supplies for the affected communities,” the VRA said.

So far, in collaboration with NADMO, the VRA has provided relief items, such as canned food, rice, sugar, toiletries, boats, and hot meals estimated to be worth millions of Ghana cedis to the flood victims.

Additionally, the VRA is providing tanker water supply services for the impacted communities as well as potable drinking water to all victims who will need it.

Source: Citinewsroom
