While Christians often consider tax payment a civic responsibility, Bishop Kobina Louis stressed that it is also a duty firmly supported by the Bible. He made these remarks during a homily at the St Agnes Catholic Church in Dodowa, where he celebrated Holy Mass with the congregation from Dodowa and its surrounding areas.

Referring to the teachings of Mathew 22:15-21, in which the Pharisees attempted to ensnare Jesus with questions about paying census tax to Caesar, Bishop Kobina Louis pointed out that Jesus’ response, “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God,” emphasizes the need for Christians to be just and honest in their service to both God and the nation.

Bishop Kobina Louis emphasized the importance of Christians paying their taxes, especially since citizens continuously seek development in all aspects of their lives. He encouraged them to fulfill their civic duty by contributing to the nation, highlighting that their contributions could lead to improved infrastructure, including good roads, schools, and hospitals.

He also stressed that it’s essential for Christians to live righteous lives, not only within the church but also in their homes, families, workplaces, communities, and the nation as a whole. This includes being productive employees and honest employers, fostering love and responsibility in families, and practicing submission when needed.

Source: GhanaWeb
