Despite claims of excessive force, Dr Dampare has stated that no evidence has been submitted to substantiate these allegations.

The demonstration, which transpired from Thursday, September 21 to Saturday, September 23, 2023, was organized by protesters who sought to voice their concerns regarding various issues within the country. These concerns encompassed the government’s economic policies, alleged corruption, and other grievances.

The protest led to the arrest of over 50 demonstrators by the police, which, in turn, triggered a significant public outcry. Many Ghanaians accused the police of using excessive force against unarmed civilians. However, the police department defended their actions by stating that those arrested were taken into custody for unlawful assembly and a violation of the Public Order Act. Furthermore, they claimed that the arrested individuals had disregarded court documents that had been served on the lawyers of the organizers, Democracy Hub, instructing them to refrain from embarking on the said demonstration.

#OccupyJulorbiHouse street protest in Accra – CC: Heatrave

In a meeting with the leadership of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union in Accra on Tuesday, October 24, Dr Dampare reiterated his willingness to investigate the allegations of police brutality if the organizers provide concrete evidence. He emphasized,

“As I speak, after months of completing that demonstration till today not a shred of evidence has been brought up to indicate that police brutalized them.”

The call for evidence by the IGP highlights the need for a thorough and impartial examination of the allegations to ascertain the true events that unfolded during the #OccupyJulorbiHouse demonstration. The police, demonstrators, and concerned citizens are all eagerly awaiting further developments in this matter.

Source: MyJoyOnline
