Author: Victoria Nana Adwoa Kwofie

Takoradi Technical University (TTU) marked a significant milestone with the celebration of its inaugural International Students’ Week on Friday, May 24, 2024. 

The event was part of the institution’s 70th-anniversary celebrations, highlighting its commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community.

In his opening address, the vice chancellor of TTU, Dr. Professor John Frank Eshun emphasized the invaluable contributions of international students to TTU. 

“This celebration acknowledges and values the priceless contribution that international students bring to our academic community. Your presence makes our institution stronger, more vibrant, and truly global. Moreover, your presence helps break down barriers and build a more inclusive and compassionate global community.” He said.

Professor Eshun noted that International Students’ Week is a time to reflect on the importance of global education and its role in fostering mutual understanding and collaboration.

He stated that it serves as a bridge between cultures, promoting peace and cooperation across borders.

The celebration was attended by senior high school students, faculty deans, teaching and non-teaching staff, current students, and alumni.

The occasion provided a unique opportunity for the entire university community to come together and celebrate the rich cultural diversity that international students bring to TTU.
