NDC Flagbearer outlines plans to address challenges and enhance the sector

Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama, has assured the creative arts sector of improvements if he assumes office as the next president. In an interaction with members of the creative arts sector on Friday, June 7, Mahama promised to solve the many problems bedeviling the sector.

The former president also outlined some initiatives implemented during his tenure as President but have been inhibited under the current government. Mahama further implored the government to invest in the creative sector.

“We are going to find those solutions together. In the past we have tried to assist. We assisted to provide cars to some of you because some of you really were using trotro and other things to go around and so to protect your dignity, we asked the Ministry of Tourism to procure some cars and distribute to you and it was just the first phase and we were going to do it in phases. Unfortunately, we left office and that programme has not been continued and I also hear that some of the cars were seized from you and I think it’s unfortunate,”

He continued: “Nkrumah believed in creative arts and he put money in the creative arts and I believe that government must put money into the creative arts.”
